Drawing All The Graphs
Today I want to talk a bit about graphs in practice, how developing a mystery game led us to develop a whole new infrastructure useful for a much wider range of coding tasks, and why we didn’t take an off the shelf solution for working with graphs in our current endeavors at DEVLIKE. A while…
Coding Ouroboros
At DEVLIKE, we’re in the middle of writing a full-fledged graph editor. Last week, I was working on implementing a menu to add components to nodes. It was designed to be quite flexible and show lists of components loaded from a file when the editor boots. The components we want to add have fields of…
GLTF: Highway from 3D pipeline to engine
So, I’m developing a 3D engine. We want to load models, and I’ve heard great things about the GLTF format, but never used it myself. I know it can keep all these different things in it, such as meshes, bones, skinning, animations, morph targets, and even cameras! This would be my first attempt at using…
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