Tag: opengl

  • GLTF: Highway from 3D pipeline to engine

    So, I’m developing a 3D engine. We want to load models, and I’ve heard great things about the GLTF format, but never used it myself. I know it can keep all these different things in it, such as meshes, bones, skinning, animations, morph targets, and even cameras! This would be my first attempt at using…

  • A Long Hike In The Dark: Making Debugging OpenGL Less Scary

    Greetings traveler. We all know the pain you’re experiencing. You wanted to make something great, you did all the steps, yet the screen is still black– no, white– no, it’s just wrong. Sit, rest, but don’t despair, because this isn’t a wall. It’s a step. It’s not a step we like, and none should be…